Dragons' Den
Production: CBC
Production Design: Inframe Designs
As the Canadian adaptation of a beloved Japanese series, Dragons' Den has captivated audiences on CBC for over 17 seasons. Several seasons ago, the show’s iconic set underwent a major upgrade & Moss LED was proud to contribute to its enhancement by providing tailored lighting solutions that emphasized the grandeur of the space.
Dragons' Steps
The stairs leading up to and behind the Dragons' chairs were illuminated using DiffuseFLEX™ LED RGB+W (5500k), creating a sharp, modern look for the set. Controlled by our VentiDrive 24-Channel Dimmer, the lighting was fine-tuned for smooth transitions and consistent output, adding a professional touch to the set’s aesthetic.
Deliberation Steps
The steps leading to the deliberation area were also highlighted with DiffuseFLEX™ LED RGB+W (5500k) , ensuring a cohesive lighting design throughout the set. For precise control, these lights were managed via Cinque-LED DMX Dimmers, matching the smooth dimming curve of the VentiDrive for a unified lighting effect.
Video Wall Footer
The footer in front of the Dragons' Den Video Wall featured our DiffuseFLEX™ LED RGB+W (5500k), echoing the lighting treatment of the deliberation steps. Controlled by Cinque-LED DMX Dimmers, this installation ensured even and controlled lighting across the set’s high-profile features.
Curtain Dots
To enhance the backdrop, the curtains were fitted with our 12V RGBW Pixel Dots. These were controlled with our PixlArt 416 controller to produce a variety of effects, providing dynamic accent lighting that added visual depth to the set.
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